ISO 9001:2015 standard achieved
AltaBioscience is pleased to annouce we have made the transition to the revised ISO 9001 quality standard, ISO 9001:2015.

AltaBioscience – Moving to new premises
AltaBioscience would like to announce we are moving to our new premises by 1st March 2018. Please direct all sample or supply deliveries to our new address after 28th February 2018.

Now Stocking Monoclonal Antibodies With Specificity For Human IgG Classes
AltaBioscience now stocks a range of well-documented, purified mouse monoclonal secondary antibodies to complement our steadily increasing catalogue offerings.

PCRD – Rapid Alternative to DNA Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
AltaBioscience now stocks nucleic acid lateral flow immunoassays (NALFIA), called PCRD, which can be used as an alternative to using DNA agarose gel electrophoresis

AltaBioscience attains UKAS ISO 17025:2005 accreditation for urinary steroid analysis
Alta Bioscience Ltd is pleased to announce the UKAS accreditation of its urinary steroid profiling test to ISO 17025:2005.

ILAC accreditation for amino acid analysis and protein sequencing
AltaBioscience is pleased to announce that after an application to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), it has been confirmed that all ISO17025:2005 standards held currently, also conform to the requirements of ILAC.

Gluten/gliaden testing added to food testing services
AltaBioscience is pleased to announce an extension to our food testing capabilities to now include gluten/ gliadin testing.
New member of the sales team
AltaBioscience is pleased to announce the appointment of a new member of the sales team. Paul Withers joins the team as a Sales Specialist and will be your point of contact for all laboratory services requirements.

AltaBioscience meets the standard again
ISO 17025:2005 accreditation reaffirmed for Amino Acid Analysis and Protein SequencingAltaBioscience is pleased to announce renewal of its accreditation to ISO 17025:2005 for amino acid analysis and N-terminal protein sequencing. This gives our customers a high level of confidence for high quality analysis. Our quality assurance to this standard means that all actions are taken to ensure that our high […]

UKAS Accredited for N-terminal protein sequencing
AltaBioscience is accredited by UKAS for N-terminal protein sequencing and amino acid analysis.